When do I need to recertify?

Recertification for the 2024-2025 school year starts June 1, 2024.

The first day an appraiser can achieve recertification valid for the upcoming school year will be June 1. For example, a certification exam passed on June 2, 2024, will be valid for the 2024-2025 school year. Certification tests for the school year will be available until 11:59 pm on May 31st of each year.

NOTE: There is NOT a fee to take the certification exam

For additional assistance with preparing for the certification exam, please refer to the resources available on the Teach for Texas website and check with your local Educational Service Center.

Recertification Policy

Based on the recommendations of the steering committee, the following recertification policy was established and updated on 5/12/2023.

I.          Certified T-TESS Appraiser: To be certified to conduct T-TESS appraisals, an appraiser is required to take the 3-day T-TESS Appraiser Training provided by an approved training entity, and pass the T-TESS appraiser certification exam on the T-TESS website each year for the first three consecutive years. 

II.          Initial Certification: An appraiser has 1 year (365 days) from the date of their initial appraiser training to take the certification exam. If the appraiser does not complete the initial certification within that time, they must restart the process by attending the 3-day T-TESS Appraiser Training and passing the certification exam. The appraiser’s three-year recertification process begins with his/her first attempt at certification. 

III.          Once Every 3 Years and Bonus Year Certificates:  After THREE consecutive years of certification, the appraiser will be required to take and pass the T-TESS appraiser certification exam ONCE every THREE years to maintain certification. Two Bonus Years will be awarded each 3rd year unless there is a lapse in certification. (see Example 1)

IV.          Missing 1 Year of Recertification:  If the appraiser has a 1-year lapse after the initial certification the appraiser's count for consecutive years of testing will reset. The appraiser will then be required to take and pass the T-TESS appraiser certification exam for three consecutive years to be eligible for Bonus Year certificates. 

V.          Missing 2 Years of Recertification:  If the appraiser has a 2-year lapse in recertification, the appraiser will be required to retake the 3-day T-TESS Appraiser Training before being allowed to take and pass the certification exam to become a certified T-TESS appraiser. The appraiser must then be certified for three consecutive years to be eligible for Bonus Year certificates again. (see Example 2)

Example 1: Three Consecutive Years

  • After three consecutive years of certification, the appraiser will be required to take and pass the T-TESS appraiser certification exam once every three years to maintain certification. Two Bonus Years will be awarded each 3rd year unless there is a lapse in certification.
Action Date Valid for:
Initial Training & Certification August 2023 2023 - 2024
Recertification June 2024 2024 - 2025
Recertification June 2025 2025 - 2026
   Bonus Year 1 Earned
2026 - 2027 (bonus year)
   Bonus Year 2 Earned
2027 - 2028 (bonus year)
Recertification June 2028 2028 - 2029
   Bonus Year 1 Earned
2029- 2030 (bonus year)
   Bonus Year 2 Earned
2030 - 2031 (bonus year)

Example 2: Two School Year Lapse of Recertification

  • If the appraiser has a 2-year lapse in recertification, the appraiser will be required to retake the 3-day T-TESS Appraiser Training before being allowed to take and pass the certification exam to become a certified T-TESS appraiser. The appraiser must then be certified for three consecutive years to be eligible for Bonus Year certificates again.
Action        Date Valid for:
Initial Training & Certification      August 2023 2023-2024 school year
Recertification                           June 2024 2024-2025 school year
Recertification July 2025 2025-2026 school year
  Bonus Year 1 Earned
2026-2027 (bonus year)
  Bonus Year 2 Earned
2027-2028 (bonus year)
Does Not Complete Recertification

Summer 2028

Appraiser is not certified to conduct T-TESS appraisals during the 2028-2029 school year.
Does Not Complete Recertification

Summer 2029

Appraiser is not certified to conduct T-TESS appraisals during the 2029-2030 school year.
Two School Years Have Passed Without Completing Recertification

June 1, 2030

Appraiser MUST begin the process again by completing the 3-day T-TESS Appraiser Training and pass the certification exam to become a certified appraiser again.  

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