Trainers: How to Edit or Delete a User's Account Before Being 'Approved'

Please note that this is ONLY for the trainers that teach the 3 day T-TESS trainings.

1. Go to and click on the 'Login' link on the top menu.

2. Login with your username and password, then click on the 'Login' button. Then, on the top menu hover over the 'Trainers' link, and click on the 'Participant Approval' link from the dropdown menu.

3. On the 'Participant Approval' page you will see the participants listed that were in your class and have already created their own account, and need to be 'Approved' in order to have access to take their certification exam and administrative areas of the website.  

To the left of the user's name, you will be able to click on either the 'Edit' or 'Delete' buttons to make the necessary changes to the user's account. 

NOTE: If there is someone on the list that did NOT attend your training session you will need to delete their account. 

When clicking on the 'Edit' link with the pencil icon, you will be given the option to edit whatever information the user has entered for themselves. When you have completed making the changes, click on the 'Update Account' button. 

 Then, click on the 'Back to Pending Accounts' button in order to return to the Participants Approval page. 

When needing to 'Delete' a user's account because they either:

  •   Didn't complete the 3-Day T-TESS Trainer; or
  •   Already has a duplicate user account in the system; or 
  •   They weren't apart of the training class that they entered

You will need to click on the 'Delete' button to the left of their name. You will be prompted to confirm that you would like to Delete this user's account and to continue you will need to click 'OK'.

***Once done, you may still see the user's information listed, simply refresh the page to confirm that the user's account is no longer there. 

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