Trainers: Don't Recognize Training Participant's Pending Account

For those who have created accounts that aren't in your participant database, you can go ahead and delete their accounts.

This way the participant will need to contact us directly for further assistance and we will be able to assist them accordingly. 

Here are instructions on how to 'Delete' a participant's pending account. 

1. Go to and click on the 'Login' link at the top right of the page to login to your existing account.. 

2. Once logged in click on the 'Trainers' link now visible on the top menu. Then, click on the 'Participant Approval' link in the dropdown menu. 

4. On the Participant Approval page, click on the 'X' to the left of the participant's name that you would like to Delete. Then, click on the 'OK' button in the popup message to confirm that you indeed need to delete the participant.

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