District Administrator: How to Add/ Update a New School/Campus to Your District

  1. Go to TeachforTexas.org and click on the Login link at the top right of the page to login to your existing account.

  2. On the site’s top menu click on 'Districts', then click on the 'Evaluation Management' option from the dropdown list.  

  3. At 'Evaluation Management', click on the 'Campus Information' option from the dropdown list. 

4. Once on the Campus Information page, you can add a school to your district's listing by scrolling down to the School Information section them clicking on the 'Add New School' button. 

5. Please make sure you enter in all of the required information, then click on the 'Add School' button.

 6. If you have entered all of the information correctly, you will get a green box that shows that the information was saved successfully.

  1. To get back to the Campus Information page, click on the 'Go Back' button to return you to the previous page.

  1. On the Campus Information page, you can also edit schools within your district. You would simply click on the 'Edit' button (blue pencil icon) to the left of the school name you wish to modify.

6. On the 'Edit School Information' page, enter in all of the required information, then click on the 'Update School Info' button to save the information. Then when done, click the 'Go Back' button to return to the previous page.

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