v2-District Administrator: How to Make a User Inactive/Active

When those with the role of Observer, School Administrator, or Assistant School Administrator leave your district, you can make their account Inactive so they no longer have access to the district or campus information. 

When this is done, the user that has been made Inactive will only have access to the Appraisers page (in order to take the T-TESS certification test) as well as the materials and resources available to them. 

  1. Go to TeachforTexas.org and click on the 'Login' link at the top right of the page to login to your existing account.

  2. On the site’s top menu click on 'Districts', then click on the 'Evaluation Management' option from the dropdown list.  

3. At 'Evaluation Management', click on the 'Teacher Accounts' option from the dropdown list.

4. Once on the 'Teacher Accounts' page, click on the 'Edit' button (blue pencil icon) to the left of the person's name. 

5. At the 'Teacher Info' section, to change the user account to Inactive/Active, click on the dropdown arrow below 'Status'. Then click on the 'Update Info' button to save the changes.  

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