Regional Administrator: How to 'Approve' Training Participants

Please note that this is ONLY for those with the role of a Regional Administrator.

Here are the steps to 'Approve' your training participants from your training classes.

1. Go to and click on the 'Login' link on the top menu.

2. Login with your username and password, then click on the 'Login' button. Then, on the top menu hover over the 'Trainers' link, and click on the 'Participant Approval' link from the dropdown menu.

3. On the 'Participant Approval' page you will see the participants listed that were in your class and have already created their own account, and need to be 'Approved' in order to have access to take their certification exam and administrative areas of the website. 

NOTE: If there is someone on the list that did NOT attend your training session please delete their account

Select the checkbox next to the name of the participants that you would like to 'Approve' ( Note: you can click the top checkbox to select All users.) Then, click on the 'Approve Selected Records' button above the listing.

Once you have clicked on the 'Approve Selected Records' button, the participants' names will be removed from the list. They will be notified by the system automatically via email that they now have full access to the admin sections of the website and can now take their T-TESS Certification Test. 

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