How to Change My School/District/Role

Here are the steps to change your School, District, and/or Role:

  1. Login to the site by clicking on the 'Login' link on the top menu. 

    2. Login with your Username and Password, then click on the  'Login' button.
  2. Click on the 'My Account' link on the top menu, then click on the 'My Account' link in the dropdown menu. 

  1. On the 'My Account' page scroll down to the District Information section and click on the 'Request Change' button after updating your information. 

  2. Once you have submitted your request you will get a notification that the request has been sent to the District Administrator for your district so that they can Approve and/or Update your account accordingly. You additionally will be CC'd on the email that was sent to them so that you can get notified once your account has been updated. 

  3. Now, you will need to patiently wait for your district's District Administrator to review and either approve/disapprove your request. You will be notified once they have emailed support and we have updated your account accordingly.

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