How to Create a New Account

NOTE:  You should ONLY be creating a new account if you are currently in the 3-day T-TESS training class AND your trainer has asked you to do so. 

1. Login to the site by clicking on the 'Login' link on the top menu. 

2. Click on the  'Create New Account' button on the 'Login' Page. 

4. Fill out the information fields listed, then click on the 'Register' button.

For Training Information: 

  • When was your first day of Training?  Click on the drop-down arrow for the calendar to pop up and allow you to choose the First day of your training.
  • Where did your training take place?  Choose the Region or University location where your T-TESS training took place
  • Who was your Training Instructor?  Please select your trainer from the list.  If you have multiple trainers, choose one.  

 For Role:

Choose the appraiser role that best represents your current position. If you are not sure of the role that you should have, please view the helpful support article at the link below that explains the various roles and what they have access to.

  • Observer
    • Position – Instructional Coach, non-appraising Department Chair, Master Teacher…
  • Assistant School Administrator
    • Position – Assistant Principal
  • School Administrator
    • Position – Principal
  • District Administrator 
    • Position – Superintendent or District T-TESS Lead
    • Please Note: the role of District Admin must be approved by the district superintendent. They will be notified once your trainer has approved your account.

5. Once completed, click on the  'Register' button below and you will be greeted with a message that states that your account is pending approval from your T-TESS Trainer. 

6. Wait until you receive an email stating that your Trainer has 'Approved' your account and granted you access to the certification test.

NOTE:  You will NOT have access to the certification test or administrative areas of the website until your Trainer has  'Approved' your account.
The exception to this is that if you have chosen the role of  'District Administrator', once your trainer has 'Approved' your account, your account will still need to additionally be 'Approved' by your district's Superintendent. Once we receive their approval, you will then have access to the administrative areas of the website. 

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